Greenhouse heating units with a water heat exchanger – air heating units type АВО-44, are designed for recirculation heating of hangar hothouse and greenhouses, warehouses and industrial premises equipped with a water heating system. Similar types: AV, VU, AVP, APVS, APVO, AV


Greenhouse heating units with a water heat exchanger – air heating units type АВО-44, are designed for recirculation heating of hangar hothouse and greenhouses, warehouses and industrial premises equipped with a water heating system. Similar types: AV, VU, AVP, APVS, APVO, AV

The greenhouse heating unit type АVО-44 consists of: a solid case made of galvanized sheet steel, an axial fan and a water heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is made of copper tubes with capped aluminum laminated ribs. The heat exchanger is not a dismountable unit. Axial fan provides required air flow. Air is drawn in from the room through the rear, heated in a heat exchanger and fed into the room through the front of the unit. The coolant is supplied to the heat exchanger and is disippated from it through the pipes coming out from the body. In order to avoid freezing of the heat exchanger in case of emergency interruption of hot water supply in winter, it is necessary to provide drain pipes with valves for draining the coolant followed by blowing with air. The fan is controlled by a thermostat, which automatically turns on and off the fan as it reaches the set temperature.

Thermal characteristics
T water = 95°С T water = 80°С T water = 70°С T water = 60°С
V water 600 V water 600 V water 600 V water 600
Vвз 700 Vвз 700 Vвз 700 Vвз 700
T1 вз  T2 вз  Q T1 вз  T2 вз Q T1 вз  T2 вз  Q T1 вз  T2 вз  Q
 -20 52 16,5 -20 42 14,4 -20 36 12,9 -20 30 11,5
 -10  57 14,9 -10 47 12,7 -10 41 11,3 -10 35 9,9
0 62 13,2 0 52 11,1 0 46 9,8 0 39 8,4
5 64 12,5 5 54 10,4 5 48 9,0 5 41 7,6
10 66 11,7 10 56 9,6 10 50 8,2 10 43 6,9
15 69 10,9 15 59 8,9 15 52 7,5 15 45 6,1
18 70 10,5 18 60 8,4 18 53 7,1 18 46 5,7
20 71 10,2 20 61 8,1 20 54 6,8 20 47 5,4


T water—  temperature of water entering the heat exchanger (°С)
V water nominal water consumption  (l / h)
T1 вз —  air temperature before entering the heat exchanger(°С)
T2 вз — temperature of water after outletting tfrom he heat exchanger (°С)
вз — water consumption (m3/ h)
Q –heating capacity (kW)

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