Blowing (exhaust) fans DN and VDN are designed to move air and non-explosive non-aggressive gas-air mixtures with temperatures from -30 ° С to + 200 ° С, dust content up to 0.1 g / m3, free of sticky, fibrous and abrasive inclusions.

Blowing fans are used to supply air to the furnaces of stationary steam and hot water boilers, in ventilation and air conditioning systems, etc.


Blowing (exhaust) fans DN and VDNare designed to move air and non-explosive non-aggressive gas-air mixtures with temperatures from -30 ° С to + 200 ° С, dust content up to 0.1 g / m3, free of sticky, fibrous and abrasive inclusions. Blowing fans are used to supply air to the furnaces of stationary steam and hot water boilers, in ventilation and air conditioning systems, etc.

The axial guide devices have a cylindrical body, flat segmental blades with radial axes located inside it evenly around the circumference, and a mechanism for synchronous rotation of the blades around their axes. The blades of the guide device decrease or increase the flow area and swirl the flow of the transported medium in the direction of rotation of the impeller. This allows the aerodynamic performance of the machine to be varied and its performance to be economically adjusted. The body is spiral all-welded or split from all-welded sections. The body is manufactured with a turning angle from 0 ° to 270 °, with an interval of 15 °. The body has a round inlet and rectangular outlet with flanges. An inlet pipe is attached to the inlet. The inlet branch pipe is designed to form a flow at the inlet to the impeller. The impeller is radial (centrifugal), welded. The wheel consists of 16 backward curved blades, conical front and flat rear blades and a nave. The direction of rotation of the wheel is right or left. The impeller is mounted on the motor shaft or on the mid-shaft of the chassis.

Model Engine Capacity, m3 / hour Total pressure, Pa Weight, kg Make no more
Make Capacity, kw Rotation speed rpm
VDN №6,3 AIR112МВ6 4,0 1000 3400 545 325
AIR112М4 5,5 1500 5100 1230
DN №6,3 AIR112МВ6 4,0 1000 3400 435
AIR112М4 5,5 1500 5100 1250
VDN №8 AIR160S6 11,0 1000 6700 970 505
AIR160S4 15,0 1500 10460 2200
DN №8 AIR160S6 11,0 1000 6700 780
AIR160S4 15,0 1500 10460 1780
VDN №10 AIR160S6 11,0 1000 13620 1550 700
AIR180М4 30,0 1500 20450 3450
DN №10 AIR160S6 11,0 1000 13620 1150
AIR180М4 30,0 1500 20450 2680
VDN №12,5 AIR200L6 30,0 1000 26600 2350 1390
AIR250М4 90,0 1500 39900 5300
DN №12,5 AIR200L6 30,0 1000 26600 1950
AIR250S4 75,0 1500 39900 4400

Model Dimensions, mm n n1
B B1 H H1 H2 D D1 D2 L L1 a a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 C C1 C2 d d1
VDN №6,3
DN №6,3
1058 410 1100 660 440 630 378 415 840 350 243 272 315 360 72 68 194 270 390 24 12 12 18
VDN №8
DN №8
1325 520 1208 500 563 800 530 570 1100 425 300 340 400 440 88 85 245 330 410 14
VDN №10 14
DN №10
1663 655 1506 602 698 1000 663 702 1360 546 375 425 500 552 92 85 315 330 610 22
VDN №12,5
DN №12,5
2040 807 1875 732 875 1250 830 875 1736 665 470 520 620 675 104 135 366 565 760 28 16 20




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